Flexible Rule Creation


Seasonal Adjustments

Set specific pricing rules for high and low seasons, holidays, or any custom date ranges you define.


Occupancy-Based Pricing

Automatically adjust prices based on your current occupancy rates to maximize revenue during peak times.


Min/Max Price Limits

Set floor and ceiling prices to ensure your rates always align with your brand positioning and profitability goals.

Advanced Customization


Guest Profile Pricing

Create rules based on guest characteristics such as group size, purpose of stay, or loyalty status.


Length of Stay Discounts

Implement automatic discounts for extended stays to encourage longer bookings and increase overall occupancy.


Last-Minute Deals

Set up dynamic discounts for last-minute bookings to fill unoccupied inventory without sacrificing overall revenue.

Integration with AI


AI Override Controls

Define conditions where your custom rules take precedence over AI recommendations for full control over your pricing strategy.


Performance Analytics

Track the performance of your custom rules against AI-only pricing to continually refine your strategy.


Rule Learning

Our AI learns from your custom rules over time, incorporating your pricing philosophy into its recommendations.

Try Custom Rule Creation